Per is my 32 weeks pregnant belly. As you can tell by my face, I'm so ecstatic by how huge I am. In fact, I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and I'm actually measuring at 34 1/2 weeks. So, I'm either having a big baby, or maybe he'll come early, I don't know, but I have been complaining of feeling huge lately and seriously gaining tons of weight in the last 3 weeks, and now I know why...Landen had a huge growth spurt. So, in my next appointment in 2 2 weeks, we'll see if he's slowed down a bit. If not, I guess they'll do another ultrasound to get a more exact measurement. The doctor also said that if I haven't delivered by week 39 and he's still showing to be a big baby, they might be a little more proactive in getting him here. I guess we'll see in another 2 weeks! Should I be worried about a big baby? I'm more worried about having enough maternity leave so that we can go home to Kansas for 2 weeks at Christmas time...I know, I have screwy priorities!
Slow Start
1 week ago
No, your priorities are so not screwy! You have to come to Kansas at Christmas time....we want to meet the little one!
Haha I understand that! I'm trying to figure out how to get home for Christmas 8 months prego. Ideas? ALSO..random question for u. I need to find some dentist in Rexburg to clean my teeth. Do u guys go to one in particular? We don't have dental insurance so anything works!
Yeah for the cute prego belly!!! Love the name by the way! I'm sure my Lando cammando will love it too! As far as the big baby issue goes... unfortunately, you won't know until he arrives. Also keep in mind that the measuring they do isn't an exact science... it sounds like he's a healthy guy and that is what matters. My sister went through a similar experience. The doctors were certain that her boy was going to be huge! Plus she was a little more worried after she found out her father in law was 12 Lbs at birth! In short she delivered 1 or 2 weeks early and her son weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz. So doctors are often wrong. I say try to listen to your body as best you can and prayers never hurt either. Hopefully that will give you some guidance as to what you should do. Love ya!
You look so pretty! Be glad he's big so he comes early but not glad that he's big because he's gotta come out of you!! Can't wait to know in another 2 weeks....
AHHHH! You look adorable! I love pregnant bellies! Travel my friend!
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