Thursday, May 19, 2011

"D" Day

Finally finding a second to update the blog before Abrie decides to wake up and want to eat again! So, on Monday, I went in for my check-up pre induction that was scheduled for Tuesday, and found out that I was still only dilated to a "1" and "thick", so they wanted me to go to the hospital that night to start the processes of thinning out my cervix.

Here's my last belly shot before going to the hospital. Once I got checked into the hospital they started me on Cytotec to try and get my contractions stronger and more regular in the hopes of thinning my cervix. Even with a sleeping pill on board and getting a couple shots of pain medicine in the night, I still only slept about 30 minutes. The good news was that when I checked into the hospital I had dilated to a "3" on my own and had effaced to 75%!

At 7:30 the next morning, my doctor came in and checked me, and I was still the same (which kinda stunk after having a sleepless, painful night), but he went ahead and broke my water and they started me on Pitocin. Holy crap did the contractions kick in more fast and furious after he broke my water. I swear it took an hour to get the anesthetist down there to get my epidural in, but it probably only took like 15-20 minutes. I don't know how women go through labor medication free! I must be a huge wimp!! Having my epidural was heaven sent, and by 10 am I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for an hour, and our sweet baby Abrie was born at 11:09 am weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and measuring 20 inches long...smaller than we thought she was going to be! I had a little meconium in my fluid, so respiratory was there to check her out, but she ended up not having any problems! The kind of comical relief of the whole experience was that apparently most of my water was up behind Abrie, so that when she came out there was an EXPLOSION of fluid! If the doctor hadn't decided to gown up from head to toe, he would have been covered head to toe with fluid!

Later, my sister Katie and her husband brought Landen up to meet his baby sister, and she gave him a gift (pictured below). He loves his train and has already worn out the batteries! He's been so cute with her so far, except for a little incident this morning when he went and grabbed some bath toys and started squirting her with some water. I guess she needed to wake up!

This is Landen getting his gift from Abrie at the hospital.

Our first little family photo, yes I'm as exhausted as I look!

Me and my little girl, she just loves to snuggle like this!

Let the wrapping around Daddy's finger begin ;)

Friday, May 13, 2011

An Official Eviction Notice

So Tuesday I went in for my usual bi-weekly ultrasound and doctor's appointment, and other than Abrie being so tired from being awake with me all night long at work and not wanting to cooperate, everything was good. She was cracking me up in the ultrasound. She was so tired, that she didn't care that the ultrasound tech was pushing right on her hand trying to get her to move her fingers, but she finally gave in after about 10 minutes! Anyway, I met with the doctor afterwards and he checked me and I was still high and only dilated to a "1". I started crying! I'm sure that only having 3 hours of sleep before my appointment contributed to the crying part, on top of being hormonal, pregnant and friggin' sick of having this tube in my back, basically I'd had it. On top of things, my long term antibiotics that I've been on obviously weren't working since I have a UTI, which is not common for me. I blame it entirely on my tube, which had been looking pretty disgusting lately!

Anyway, I'm pretty sure the doctor just took pity on me, and went ahead and scheduled my induction for this coming Tuesday May 17th. I'll be exactly 39 weeks! It's kind of weird planning on when you're going to have a baby, but I guess she could still surprise us ;). He also put me on a new antibiotic and it has since cleared up my UTI (I can tell just by looking at my tube), so things are looking up! I'm so excited for her to finally be here!

At my appointment today, Abrie weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz (+/- 6 oz), and via ultrasound came is measuring right on track at 38 weeks, 3 days. My stomach measurement on the other hand says I'm 41 weeks pregnant...I believe it! Also, according to my doctor's office I've only gained 5 lbs this whole pregnancy, I'm thinking they have their numbers wrong or they're counting from when I had my first appointment, because according to my scale I've gained at least 12 lbs. Either way, not bad considering the water I'm retaining these days because it's warmer outside (hooray!!!).

In other news, we've been busy little bees trying to get the house ready to sell. Well, mostly Brian and his Mom have been busy, and I just do what I can, what they'll let me do ;). This week they planted a flower garden in the front, painted the shutters and mailbox, and hung bigger house numbers on the house as well as put a treatment on the lawn. Inside the house, they painted the hall, living room, kitchen and laundry room. There are new baseboards in the hall, living room and kitchen! It looks amazing! We've also started the decluttering process and have been boxing things up and storing them in our storage unit. I'm really hoping we can sell our house! I just pray that it's the right time and right house for someone right now! Anyway, we've had plenty to keep us busy while waiting for baby girl to get here. My sister comes in town Sunday night, and my Mom comes up on Thursday! Yay!!!