Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 More weeks!

That's all I NEED to make it with this little one to be full term! 2 weeks doesn't sound so bad, but I'm not gonna lie, these last 2 weeks have been miserable! Between having gestational diabetes, getting a tube shoved in my back after having so much pain from kidney stones, then trying to go into labor and having to go to the hospital twice to get my contractions stopped...I'm not gonna lie, I wish it were over!!! This morning I woke up with blood in my nephrostomy bag. My back was hurting more than usual at the site where the tube goes into my back. I cried. But, as I sit here and think of all the think of the things going on with my body, I still daydream about meeting this little girl and kissing her cute little feet, hands, cheeks, etc. I try to remind myself that there are so many women out there who will never be blessed with feeling a baby move inside her! I am so blessed!! Yes, my physical body seems to be failing me, but I feel my spirit growing stronger from this experience. Will I do this again? Honestly, I don't know! I've always wanted to adopt, which was reinforced when I came home from Russia and had a mother on my same flight who was bringing a little boy back to the states with her. I love my son and this unborn little girl of ours who we knew was supposed to come into our home, and I will love any other child that comes into our home no matter how they get here! So, even though my uterus is being pissy (as one of my good friends puts it), I have a tail hanging out of my back, and I have to poke my fingers, it's a sacrifice I am willing to make to bring one of Heavenly Father's children into our home and how blessed we are that He is allowing this to happen!

I found a quote that makes me feel better when I'm deciding things are too tough to handle by Quentin L. Cook from this last conference. He said "God placed within women divine qualities of strength, virtue, love, and the willingness to sacrifice to raise future generations of His spirit children."



Hollie Hanson said...

You are awesome Daleen! I don't know if I could handle that much on top of the normal pregnancy issues. Of course, this is coming from a super cranky and emotional 37 week preggo. lol But I love your attitude. You are so positive and upbeat despite it all. Yay to 2 more weeks for you!!!

Randi and Adam said...

So are they inducing you in 2 weeks? cuz honey...you still have 6 weeks! ha ha. I'm sure you know that, but MAN do those weeks seem to drag. and if I were you...I would want induced! you have an amazing attitude and your right, look at all the people we work with who can't get pregnant. I think we sometimes take it for granted. Hope this goes by fast for you!

Laurie Wilcox said...

You can do it! You have to say that with the fun little mexican accent that Brandon does. It makes me smile when life is soooo difficult! Just think you might even make it to your due date (which I NEVER thought I would and oh yea I did the last two times)! Then you'll feel overdue... that is a blessing though! You are in our prayers. I have to be honest though, I can't wait to see that cute little princess! I just wish I could actually see her in person! Love ya Dee!

Melissa Nielsen said...

I am counting down with you. I hope you can last 2 more weeks for yours and the babies sake. I think of you every day. You are amazing and you can do it!

Unknown said...

Daleen! Thank you for sharing. I know this is hard for you and I admire you for being brave about the struggles you are going through. I hope and pray the next few days will be better for you.