Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Landen's birthday (part 2)

So on the 17th (2 days after Landen's actual birthday and Jayden's birthday), we went to Sea World since it was Saturday and Brian actually had the day off to go with us! IT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN! Yes, it was still hot outside, but it was an overcast day that was threatening to rain (very rarely have we seen rain since we've been here, in fact there's been a horrible drought all summer that has us on water restrictions...but back to the birthday), but it did help cool it down a bit, and had a nice breeze. We actually got to get in for free because they have a promo going on right now for all service members called "Here's to the Hero's". Pretty awesome, because otherwise it would be a bit ridiculous to get in! Anyway, here's some pictures:

My favorite of the day: Shamus family members performed to music for us. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the videos I took, but I loved it!

The Sea Lions and this HUGE walrus put on quite a cute show for us. It was pretty funny, and nice to stop and sit for a minute.

Of course we had to stop and see all the penguins! Here's Landen and Brian checking them out.

They have a whole Sesame Street area with a water park and a GINORMOUS play area. We didn't even go on it, because we were dumb and didn't wear any swimsuits (plus, Landen wanted to see more animals instead of play...weird!). But, we did run into Cookie Monster and Grover, and Landen just had to give Grover a hug ;). They had this cute 4D Sesame Street show that would spray you with water, blow air on you and used lights to really get you involved. Abrie wasn't a huge fan, but Landen seemed to enjoy it.

Here's a cute little Sea Lion. Their bark is seriously like a dog's! There were some cute babies too, but the "head" Sea Lion cracked me up, he was sitting up on "Pride Rock" (I named it that) acting like he owned the place! You can buy fish to feed them too, and I felt bad for the other guys, because everyone kept throwing the fish up to the big guy on the rock! Again, I won't bore you with the video ;)

Overall, I'm pretty sure Landen had a blast, and we were all pooped out when it was said and done! We didn't get to see the Sharks or Dolphins because it started to rain and we were hurrying to get out of there, so maybe next time. Oh, and not so funny story, when we got the stroller out of the car, we realized one of the tires was flat, so we asked them to air it up for us. They literally BLEW our tire! Rim and all is broken, so now we have to order a new one (tire, not stroller), which is also out of stock! So, we're not going anywhere anytime soon that requires a stroller!