Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finished Remodel

I've been meaning to put these pictures up for awhile, since it's been done for about a month, but for some reason it's been really busy around here! I don't have any before pictures, so if you really want to see them, let me know and I'll find them and post them.

The toilet in the newly created bathroom...duh! But the cool thing about both the new toilets is that they are a slow close lid, so they never slam. Brian's not such a huge fan of that feature in the middle of the night when he's half asleep, but I LOVE IT!
The vanity in the same bathroom. The drawers are also slow close like the toilet seat :)

More of the same bathroom. Taken from the NEW walk in closet!

View from the door that connects to our room. This room used to be some man's trophy hunting room. Just imagine walls covered in barn wood! Lame!

The only change made to our room was the window being made larger so that it was up to code and the wall to the left of the window was moved into the room 1 foot to make more room for the bathroom/walk in closet.

The second bathroom/Landen's bathroom

More of the second bathroom from the hall.


Gurr Family said...

How exciting to finally have it all done. It looks great.

Morgan said...

It looks great. I don't really remember what it looked like before but, WOW it looks awesome! Great job.

Laurie Wilcox said...

Wow Dee... it looks awesome! You guys are on the ball. That seemed to get done quickly... maybe not for you though :0)

April said...

Oooo, it's lovely!

Heidi Meadows said...

Nice! Did you do the remodeling yourself, or hire someone to do it? The house my fiance lives in is pretty old, and the only room he has done anything with is his bedroom (courtesy of his mom, of course). So I am on the lookout for ideas for inexpensive remodeling and/or redecorating of just about every other room in the house, starting with the bathroom! :)