Going to church was a lovely adventure today. Landen and I only went to sacrament meeting today so that he could get a good nap in since he/we didn't sleep well last night (the poor kid has a snotty nose...AGAIN! He's seriously been sick for a month). I had almost taken his car seat cover off, but thank goodness I didn't, because Rexburg decided to have a freakin blizzard! I'm not joking! The wind was blowing incredibly hard, and the snow was the nice wet stuff that messes up your Sunday hair! As I was walking back out to the car after church, Landen's flap over his face was whipped open by the narly wind and he started SCREAMING because of the wet ice chunks hitting his face...poor kid. By the time we made it to the car, the whole left side of my body was drenched! I had to wipe my face off to keep water from dripping in my eyes. Just when we thought we were going to have nicer weather, this happens. Only a year and a half left of this Iceburg!
Slow Start
1 week ago
I do miss Rexburg more than anything....MINUS the weather. Yikes.
I hope little man Landen feels better soon!
Could you believe the storm yesterday? It was so crazy!!!!
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