Saturday, October 11, 2008

There's no place like home!

That's right folks, the little guy has finally been able to come home after 25 days in the hospital! So, I've been able to survive my first sleepless night, and poor Brian spent his night on the couch so that he could get more sleep since he had to drive down to Pocatello this morning for drill, so he won't be back until Sunday evening. But, my mom came up to help out...thank goodness cause I have no idea what the heck I'm doing! So here's some pics from his first day at home.

So comfy with Grandma Rosenlund
I'm such a big boy already, I can hold my own bottle!
Snoozing in my new crib.
BJ wondering what all the fuss is about and why that thing keeps making all the noise.
Getting a closer look.
And an even closer look, even a licking please!
A proud papa with his boy!


Anonymous said...

He is such a cute little man:)

April said...

He's home! YAY! That picture of BJ checking out Landen in the crib is hilarious!

Unknown said...

I'm glad he made it home! Congrats!!! Next time I'm in Idaho--I may have to come visit ya'll...

He's precious! Enjoy him!

Cammy Aller said...

Wow how wonderful! Trust me I dont think anyone really knows what they are doing with there first. I sure felt the same way. You will be great! So glad your mom got to come visit. I also love your bed set for Landen way cute!

Michelle said...

He's home! He looks adorable. I love how BJ is so curious about Landen. Cute!

Lacey said...

Hey Daleen, so good to hear from you! And I just went through your blog a bit. Sorry to hear he was in the hospital for so long. I'm glad he's home and doing well. Our second was in the hospital as well for pneumothorax, but was home after a week. Poor things can really go through so much and come out ok, yay for technology!
So fun to catch up with friends even miles and miles away!

Morgan said...

YAY! He's home! He is such a cute baby! And I love the picture of Brian and Landon. Brian looks so incredibly proud! LOVE IT!

jared and susan said...

I love the pictures, he is soo tiny and adorable. You guys are going to be awesome parents