Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 Months

So besides these being really horrible picture quality since they're from my phone, I love that I finally caught some pictures of my little bug smiling!

We took her to the doctor for her 2 month check-up and she is doing awesome! The relieving thing about it, is that even if I don't feel like I'm producing enough milk, what I am producing (with an occasional supplement of formula), is enough for her! Her stats are:

Weight: 10.75 lbs (48%)

Height: 22.5 inches (55%)

Head Circ: 15 inches (32%)

Oh, and who could forget the horrific experience of giving a 2 month old 5 immunizations in 1 day (seriously, is that good on anyone, let a lone a tiny baby?!). Here's the result:

103 degree fever! It was a long night! I totally should have given her Tylenol before, but I completely forgot. Landen didn't have this reaction, but at least I knew it was the immunizations and not a sick kid.


Melissa Voss said...

I can't believe she's already 2 months old! She's such a cutie!

Gurr Family said...

Oh dear I forgot about that. This is what I have to look forward to. Yipee!!! She is super cute and I love when they start smiling.