Monday, October 4, 2010

Just Cuz

I don't get a chance to upload my pictures onto the "right" computer very often since school is back in session and Brian always takes the laptop with him, so I'm hurrying to take the opportunity while I can! I found some cute pictures of Landen and the dogs (one of them is my sister's dog Sadie and of course our BJ). They made me laugh, so I thought I'd share.

Landen helping wash Sadie and BJ helping himself to a drink!
Right after Sadie got in, Landen's not sure what to think yet!

BJ and Sadie are best buds! (we just need to get one of them fixed soon so that they don't make cute little puppies together)

Precious (BJ's wondering what the heck we're waking him up for. Sadie...oblivious!)

Excuse his nasty shirt, but he likes to "play" on the organ.


Anonymous said...

love him to "play" with my organ I like little boys