Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Boy

Landen had a couple of fun days to celebrate his birthday. The pictures are out of order, but on Wednesday (his actual birthday), we had a little "family" time and opened presents then went to see Toy Story 3 (such a funny movie and Landen loved it!). He was spoiled rotten by his family (thanks so much by the way fam!). We had his actual birthday party on Friday (today) and had about 7 kids running around the house and yard having a good time. Ate lots of good food and had some cake and ice cream. Enjoy the pics (I'm tired!)

Landen blowing out his candle...with dad's help. Love Landen's face in this picture!
Me Landen and Braden checking out Landen's birthday cake

Helping the kids make an octopus

Landen and Lucas chatting it up

One of Landen's favorite toys he opened on his birthday.


Melissa Voss said...

Happy birthday Landen! So sorry we didn't make it. We totally meant to make it.. Hope he had a great time!