Monday, September 17, 2012

Traveling to Utah

Abrie enjoying being able to get down and walk around before getting on the plane in San Antonio.
 What do you do while waiting to get on a "polka dot airplane" (as Landen calls them)? What else is there to to at 6 am than this? Run around and entertain everyone else. We flew out to Utah for 2 weeks in July, and these were taken on the way out. It was heaven have 2 weeks of no work and just playtime with family! But more on that later...
Tired girl! 6 am flight are ridiculous!

I think this was in Houston during our layover. "Hi mom"


Still running
Loving running

This one cracks me up! He's really getting his arms into it!

In the zone!

Oh yeah, I was there too...making stupid faces apparently!