Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Did I ever blog about Easter?

 Seriously, did I ever blog about it? If not, here's the two measly pictures I have to document it! Brian worked Easter (of course, because he's worked every major/minor holiday since we've moved here), so the kids and I packed it up and went over to the Hillman's house! Thank goodness for good friends that become your family when you don't live close enough to anyone BLOOD related! So, ours was very low key, which is maybe why I didn't blog about it? There were no Easter Egg hunts (I was working that day), just good old fashioned egg decorating, and Easter basket fun! I don't know what my problem's been lately, but I've had a huge lack of motivation when it comes to anything! Blogging
and anything internet related has definitely been put on the back burner. Although, I have been using my kindle a lot lately and enjoying reading again...I'd forgotten how much I missed it!

Anyway, that was our, I need to be better at this!