For anyone that actually still reads this blog now that it's private, I blame my lack of blogging entirely on starting my new job! I started on December 12th, and though I am only working 6 shifts a month, it leaves a lot to "make-up" on my days off (which really you think that 24 days left in the month would be enough...but I guess not). I have lots I want to catch up and blog about, Abrie's 6 month stats (she's 8 months this next week, yikes!), Christmas, turning 31 and New Year's resolutions, let alone just the normal day in and day out stuff. I work this Sunday, then have 11 days off in a row, so hopefully I will catch up. Since this is my "journaling" and "scrap-booking" in one, I need to keep up! So stay tuned...
Slow Start
1 week ago
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