Monday, April 2, 2012


My mom is amazing, seriously! I know most everyone could say that about their mom, but mine is definitely the best! She is the nicest person I know and the epitome of feminine. Even her toots are dainty (she's gonna kill me for posting that).

I was lucky enough to have my mom come out and watch the kids and take care of Brian ;) while I was away at girls camp. She spoiled them rotten. Landen's still asking why we can't move to Utah to be closer to grandma's, and that he's done with Texas...kinda breaks my heart, but I love it at the same time.

We finally made it to the Alamo (since moving here 7 months ago, now 8) with her. She loves history and just ate up the whole experience. Landen and Abrie didn't do half bad either. We went to the Riverwalk afterwards and had dinner and were serenaded by a mariachi band!

I'm so glad I got to spend some time with my mom, and more importantly that the kids did!