Monday, December 12, 2011

7 years and counting (11/26)

Wow, I'm sooooo behind, but in my defense it's been a little crazy around here with starting a new job. Anyway, our anniversary landed on the day after Thanksgiving, and we were able to go celebrate thankfully due to family still being in town and watching the kids. It was wonderful! All we did was go out to dinner and get some Christmas shopping done, but it was nice to do it kid free. We tried out a new Italian restaurant (super yummy) called Pompeii Italian Grill. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. Everything just tasted so fresh! Anyway, I can't believe it's been 7 years! We've gone from this:

To this:

OK, more like this:

to this:

Sorry for the gross kissy pictures ;). Yeah, I've put on a few (OK a lot) of pounds, but I still love this man so much it makes me kinda teary just thinking about it! I couldn't have chosen a better life and eternal partner and amazing father for my children. I'm such a lucky girl!