Sunday, October 18, 2009

Landen's surgery

So Landen had surgery on Friday to basically redo his circumcision (it didn't heal correctly, or they did it wrong...can't decide which). I must admit I was a bit nervous, but it helped that he had it done where I work, so I knew everyone taking care of him and that he was in good hands. It actually took more time for them to put him asleep, put in an IV and put his spinal block in than it did for the doctor to actually complete the procedure! He now has 2 stitches that will dissolve and that's about it. He handled it like a champ! Even waking up from anesthesia, he was just a little whiny, but not throwing a tantrum like I've seen many babies, kids and adolescents do. He's such a stud!

A few hours after surgery, you'd never know he'd had it!
Finally food!!! I'm starving!

Playing with a boring being stuck in 1 place, but he still couldn't move his legs completely yet.

Still drunk from anesthesia

Poor boy!

Before surgery with cute in his gown!


Melissa Voss said...

Oh no... poor little guy! Who did his circ?

BriANDaleen said...

Originally Dr. Lofgran did his circ, but Dr. Taylor fixed it.

Laura and Tyrone said...

Poor little boy! Sorry you had to have a re-do on the whole thing. That stinks.

Gurr Family said...

OUCH! That stinks, I hope he continues to heal well.